
Friday, August 9, 2013

Homeschool Friday: Year in Review {9th Grade}

Today I am restarting (a week late) Homeschool Fridays. I'm going to start this week by doing a quick overview of the school year. I'll go more in depth about each subject in the following weeks.

This year, I did school completely independently. I had no teachers in any subject, and my mom only helped me with things occasionally. This worked out pretty well in most subjects, and (more because of necessity then anything) that is how things will continue next year. There are a few subjects where that was not a great method, as you will see later.


Having done eight years of grammar already (1st through 8th grade) grammar was not a necessity, but I love grammar, so I did continue doing it. The program I had been using (more on that in an upcoming post) only goes through 8th grade, so I switched to Rod and Staff. It has a very strong Christian influence, which was a big reason we had not used it before, but it really seemed like the best idea at this point. I did half of the book this year, and will do the other half next year.


For math, I used Life of Fred: Advanced Algebra, but it was not working very well, so at the very end of the year, I switched to Teaching Textbooks. Again, that will have it's one post soon enough.


I used History Odyssey Level 3 Ancients, which I loved. It had a lot of writing, so it was most of my English too. I did a lot of reading, including The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and The Boys and Girls Herodotus, among others.


I started the year doing Oak Meadow Biology, but quickly switched to CK-12 Bio. The online textbook is pretty good, and was far more ingageing then Oak Meadow. I did not do almost any expirements, but it does not really matter since I'll be taking Bio again at the community college in a few years with Running Start.


I did Latin Alive. There is a lot to talk about here, so expect another post soon.

Art, ect.

I took a print making class this spring, as well as a stained glass lantern making class.

I hope you enjoyed this very quick review of the year. I'm in a bit of a hurry today, and we are leaving town in less then an hour, but I'll be back on Monday to add all the links and stuff. What did you do last year?

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