
Friday, September 20, 2013

Homeschool Fridays: September 16-20, 2013 {Week 3}

Wow, it's the end of the third week of our school year already! I ended last week a bit behind, and I'm ending this week the same way. Luckily, I actually did a little more then a week's work, so I'm less behind then I was. As confusing as that sounds, it means that progress is being made! In these posts I'm going to focus more on the topics I'm covering, and the things I'm learning rather then the number of lessons or chapters I completed.

History: Middle Ages
History has been tough this week. I have read all but about 30 pages of Beowulf, and I hope to have it finished this afternoon. The version I'm reading is a very literal translation, and I've found it to be a bit of a struggle to understand. I also did a little research on Germanic tribes (Goths, Vandals, ect.), and did a small writing project. I also had a map on the Viking expansion to complete, but unfortunately, I don't think that's likely to get done this week. Next week, I hope to do the map, write an essay on the Christian vs. pagan influences in Beowulf, and begin the textbook reading on the spread of Islam.

Earth Science
I did a LOT of science this week, and am finally finished with all the intro stuff, and the section on maps. Hopefully that means things will start getting a little more interesting next week.

English, Vocab, Rhetoric
For English, I was a bit stalled out at the beginning of the week, and am still a lesson behind. Vocabulary is pretty easy, though I still have a a few paragraphs to write for this weeks review assignment. Rhetoric was a VERY long lesson on definitions, which I only did about a third of. Since there are only 25 lessons in the book, I can affoard to slow down and spread these long lessons out over several weeks.

Math and Spanish
For math, I'm just plodding along. I'm about a lesson behind where I want to be, but I'm not too worries about that. For Spanish, I did some number practice, and learned a lot of pronunciation rules.

That's it for this week! I have a lot of other thing I want to talk about today, but I think I'm going to make them into a separate post. Expect another post later this morning!

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