
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homeschool Blog Awards and Movie Excitment

There has been a button on my sidebar for the past few weeks to the Homeschool Blog Awards, and nominations are now open. This year, there are 20 categories, and one blog will make the number one spot in each category after a public vote. Voting starts in November, but to even make it to the voting round, you have to first be nominated. If you like my blog, and think that I might be the best homeschool blog you read, I would love it if you would take a few minutes to nominate me.

To do that, click this link, and then click on the big button on the top of the page. The form is very long, and you can nominate a different blog for each category if you like. The ones that I qualify for are Best Teen Homeschool Blog, and Best New Homeschool blog. Nomination ends on October 21.

I know it can be annoying when blogs are constantly asking you to vote for them, or to nominate them for things, so I won't bother you. Other than this, I'll only mention it once more, when voting begins. I'll let you know if I made it to the voting round, and if I did, how you can vote for me.

The other thing I wanted to blog about today is all the movies coming out soon. There are so many YA book adaptations coming out, some of which I'm super excited for, and others that worry me. Here is a list:

1. Ender's Game. I've been heard too much hype about this to possibly not see it. It's a struggle with every book I love that has been made into a movie: see it, or skip it? I think my choice here was made a year and a half ago, when I was at a friend's house, and I heard that the Ender's Game movie was going to be a real thing. I'm definitely going to see it, and hopefully with some friends.

2. Catching Fire. Yeah, I'll see it. I have a lot of mixed feeling about the Hunger Games triliogy, which really deserve a post of their own.

3. The Maze Runner. I don't really know what to think about this one, but since I liked the book so much, I do want to see it.

4. Divergent. I know we've got a while to go for this one, but I will definetly see it.

5. The Fault in our Stars. Ditto. I've seen way too many pictures and videos from set to not see it now.

6. The Spectacular Now. I know this one has actually been out for a while already, but I really want to see it, since I really loved the book.

That's my quick list for the day. Are you planning on seeing any of these movies?

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