
Thursday, January 30, 2014

TFiOS, Cute Ad, and Survey

Thank you to those of you who filled out my survey from yesterday. If you haven't done it yet, please click here to fill it out. It's pretty short, but it will still help me understand my readers a little better, and make better choices when writing posts. Read yesterday's post about it for more details.

Today is just going to be a little random. First off, the trailer for The Fault in Our Stars came out yesterday! I've watched it about four times, and I love it. I am so excited for this movie. As usual, I have my reservations, but this trailer definitely made me a lot less nervous. I was incredibly close to crying the first time I watched it, which is rare for me. I rarely cry when reading books or watching movies (though far more often when watching movies), but one of the only books I cried while reading was TFiOS, and if I almost cried at the trailer, I will most definitely be crying when I see the movie.

Also, have you seen this Superbowl commercial yet? It is completely adorable. 

I'm going to a Superbowl party this weekend, which I think will be fun, though I know pretty much nothing about football, so if I end up actually watching the game, it might be a bit confusing. The Seahawks are playing though, and since they are our local team, I do feel like I should at least pay some attention to the game, or at least to the score.

That's all for today. I mainly just wanted to share those videos, and remind you about my survey again. Tomorrow, I'll be back with a school post. Lots of posting this week!

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