
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week in the Life: Day 2

It's day 2! Yesterday went pretty well, so here's another one. Today, we don't have a lot going on during the day, but a busy evening. Tomorrow, things will pick up a bit more, and stay busy for a while. As with yesterday, I'm going to update this post periodically as the day goes on. I'll try to get some pictures today if possible, since I didn't get any yesterday.

Disclaimer: While one purpose of this is to show that all homeschoolers aren't unsocialized and that we don't sit around all day, I'm just one person and this does not reflect the lifestyle or schedule of all homeschoolers, just of me. 

7:00am: I get up, just before mom leaves for work.

7:20: I check my email, Facebook, the news, the weather, Feedly, etc.

7:40: I start this post for the day, and update yesterday's post with last night's happenings, and send  few emails.

8:00: I eat some breakfast (leftover rice from last night with sweet and sour sauce).

8:30: I get distracted by a trivia game on Kongregate. I usually don't like those kinds of games, but I'm actually really good at it, and play for a while.

9:00: I get dressed and ready for the day.

9:20: I do some history reading. I read one speech made by a priest about the importance of going on the second Crusade, and then the introduction and first canto (chapter) of The Inferno. The introduction was a little long, but really, not that bad. The one to the Iliad was about 70 pages, so now I compare all introductions of classic literature to that. :) This one was less that 15 pages.

10:30: I debate between the various pieces of school that need to get done. Nearly all of it needs to be done on the computer, and it's such a nice day that I really don't want to sit inside on the computer all day. Eventually, I come up with a plan, and watch a few youtube videos.

11:15: I'm actually not totally sure what I did for this hour, but I know it involved planning out my outfits for the next few days (a complicated process, considering all the stuff we have going on), debating whether or not I should go to the store to get green nail polish to match my scarf for Sunday, and letting the cat out and in and out and in and out and it many, many times. I also read this rather interesting article, which I wholeheartedly agree with. I like this blogger, though I certainly don't always agree with her, because her arguments are always well thought out and well articulated.

12:00: Lunch (hot dog and carrots). I spend a while hanging out outside with my sister and eating. I also finish The Tragedy Paper.

1:00: I come to do some math, but get distracted reading about The Wil Wheaton Project (Wil Wheaton's new tv show on SyFy) on Wil Wheaton's blog. I then somehow accidentally manage to attempt to gain access to view it online via Comcast, which I didn't want to do (and couldn't actually even do anyways if I had wanted to), so then I had to finish setting up the online Comcast account so that I could go and delete said account.

1:30: Having finally sorted that all out, it's actually time to do some math, and update the blog with the latest happenings. Also, I just looked at my Analytics account, and the page views from the past few days have been through the roof! People are actually checking back through out the day to see what I'm doing, which is encouraging. This is a lot of work, so it's nice to know people are actually reading it!

2:30: I finally finish a long and frustrating math lesson. I then see a link to this article (that's a no follow link, since I certainly don't want to help Slate any). Obviously, I don't agree with anything there.

2:15: I color for a little while. I am never sure what people are going to think when I say that, because people think of coloring as such a little kid activity. But, whatever. I do a lot of it, and I enjoy it. I'll add some pictures of what I've been working on later. I love color and design, which is mostly what coloring is, so I enjoy it and almost find it therapeutic sometimes. It's one of the only art forms I really feel confidant about my abilities in. I have really steady hands, which is important, but also is one of the reasons I hate taking albuterol for my asthma, because it gives me hand tremors (the official term. I get really shaky) for almost an hour after I take it, and then I can't color, and can barely even write.
One I finished recently.
The one I started this afternoon.

3:30: Blog update! Now, to I am going to finish some history. I have to write half page biographies of a bunch of people including Geoffrey Chaucer, Henry VI, Catherine de Medici, and John Wycliffe, among many others.

4:15: Done with history. I also managed to add some pictures above. Now, I'm off to try to read a little more of the Inferno, and do a few chores, before I need to get ready to head off to dance. I change, and get my stuff together.

5:15: Leave for dance. Right before we leave, I see that there was a shooting at SPU, which is not that far from here. It's weird how it's kind of easy to overlook those kinds of things when they're far away, but suddenly, when they're near you, at a place where people you know might potentially be, it's very different.

5:30: Dance. It's the last rehearsal for our performances on Sunday.

8:20: Leave rehearsal, and eat dinner at a burger place downtown.

9:00: Get home, check email, Facebook, news etc.

9:30: Read a little, get ready for bed. Update blog.

10:00: Read West with the Night for a while with Mom.

10:30: In bed.

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