
Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekend Review #14 {School, Writing, Pictures}

It's been another week, and now here I am to summarize it.

Monday, I went to school, volunteered at the library, and went to dance class.

Tuesday, I did homework, and really, nothing else. It was a kind of boring day.

Wednesday, I went to school, took a test in my Study Skills class, did much better on it than I thought I would, then went to park day.

Thursday, I taught Latin and had lunch with friends, then came home and did homework for the rest of the day.

Friday, I went to school, and then went to a friend's house for the remainder of the day. I also had a ballet class, which, since the normal teacher was unavailable, was taught by one of my best friends, which was fun.

Saturday, we did a Steampunk photoshoot involving all of us who went with the Steampunk theme for our Halloween costumes. I'll post a few pictures on here at some point, if I get them. I also then had a Nutcracker rehearsal that afternoon/evening.

Sunday, I did not do too much, but went shopping for coats in the evening. I spent a lot of time hanging out and talking to friends online.

Reading: I haven't done much non-school reading this week, but for school I read Pilgrim's Progress and Robinson Crusoe, both of which I'm almost done with. I also started Mort by Terry Pratchett after it was lent to me by a friend.

Writing: We are a third of the way through November now, which means that I should be at 16,666 by the end of today. At the moment, I'm at a little above 12k, and I'm hoping to make it to 14k by the end of the day.

It's a four day weekend (Veteran's Day on Tuesday, and no classes on Monday for faculty conferences), so hopefully I can get in at least 2k today and tomorrow, which would get me at least a bit caught up.

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