
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blogs I Read

There are, at last count, 71 blogs on my blog reader (I use feedly, in case anyone is interested). Not all of these are active blogs, and there are some that I added in there two years ago that haven't posted since. But there are a lot of great blogs I read every day, and I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Some of these blogs are huge blogs with big followings that I really like, and others are the undiscovered tiny blogs of my internet friends which are still awesome, even if they lack a large audience. I follow a few pretty specific types of blogs, so I'll try to roughly organize them by type.

First, the homeschooling blogs. There are many, many homeschool blogs on the web, and I find them very interesting to read. While I read a lot of them, the ones I'm highlighting here are by families in my local area.

This is the blog of a homeschooling family with 14 kids, who actually live in my local area. I was in Girl Scouts with several of their kids at one point, and though we don't really know them personally anymore, I enjoy following Renee's blog. She has lots of great photography, and a lot of honest commentary about what it is to raise 14 kids, particularly since several have special needs that have changed their family's life considerably. 

This is the blog of a homeschooling family that I have known for many, many years. Sara only started blogging pretty recently, and she blogs about all sorts of things related to homeschooling.

Next, some writing blogs. I follow a lot of these, but here are just a few highlights.

This is the blog of a friend of mine, who I have known since I was about 7. His mom actually writes Classically Homeschooling, the blog highlighted above. Ian writes about writing, books, and more. 

This blog, also written by a mom of one of my friend's from our homeschool group, isn't actually active anymore. It has a great backlog of writing prompts and stories to read, though. 

Now, for some blogs that aren't actually written by people I know. These are kind of miscellaneous blogs about various topics, and are all large, popular websites.

I know I've talked about FYA before on this blog, but it doesn't hurt to say again: I love this website. They have amazing reviews of new young adult books, plus they talk about TV shows, movies, and more. 

This is a humorous blog written by an anonymous doctor. He tells stories about amusing events in his practice or stories that readers have sent in, and they are pretty hilarious, though they might not appeal to everyone. Unfortunately, the RSS feed on his site hasn't been working for a while, but hopefully he'll be able to take care of that soon.

This is the blog of the amazing Wil Wheaton: actor, writer, and geek extraordinaire. This is definitely the biggest blog I am linking to today. Wil is really an amazing writer, and his blog is written in a very personal fashion, making it feel like a lot of the smaller blogs I read. He tells a lot of personal stories, talks about his kids and his dogs, and occasionally promotes his work. I highly recommend following him if you are into geek internet culture. 

There you have it, some great blogs you should read. Obviously, I read a lot more blogs than just this, but these are definitely ones I recommend you read too.


  1. Ohmigoodness, that's my blog! :D Thank you so much for mentioning me! I know I should be a touch more graceful and formal about this comment, but it's been a long week, and this just made my day. Thank you!

    1. Formality is totally overrated. :D I'm glad I could make your day.

  2. Thanks for sharing these blogs. I'm a YA book lover and am always seeking out bloggers what review the genre.
