
Friday, November 27, 2015

Wednesday November 26, 2015

1. First day of Thanksgiving break! Slept in a bit, though not that much since I woke up when mom left for work.

2. Over the course of the day, I did some writing, some math homework, and got a short workout in.

3. I chatted with various friends a lot, and considered starting Steven Universe, just cause I've heard so many good things about it, but I ended up not. Maybe over Christmas break I'll have time for that.

4. Mom and Isabelle went out for a while to feed some friend's cats, and I made fried rice for dinner and tried to get some more writing in.

5. They baked pies after they got home while I just sort of puttered around and did whatever. We watched lost, read Ulysses, and went to bed.

I feel like I did a lot more stuff than this on Wednesday, but for the life of me, I can't think of what it was.

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