
Monday, December 21, 2015

Submachine 10: The Exit

Today, the final installment in my favorite game series was released, and I'm really excited. The Submachine games aren't all that popular, but they are truly fantastic. The stories are amazing, the gameplay is clever, and the graphics and audio are always stunning and chilling.

I've been playing Submachine since about 2011, and I've been waiting for each subsequent installment since about number 6 or so. Today, Submachine 10: The Exit, was released, and I am so freaking excited to play it. It's like a tv series or book series. I'm so excited to know what happens, but also really sad it'll soon be over.

I've heard these games refered to as the "Lost" of online gaming, and I think that's fair.

You should all totally go look up Submachine now, and play them all from the beginning, but only if you have a lot of time and patience and don't mind getting very frustrated sometimes. And if you don't mind a fascinatingly creepy and complex story.

These games are fantastic. I'm off to play the new one. Go look them up and support Mateusz Skutnick's amazing work. That guy is fantastic. All his games and art are work checking out and supporting.

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