Many exciting things have been happening lately and keeping me quite busy.
The first is that I, with a group of my fellow students at Whatcom Community College, am working on a project to start up a magazine! It is called the Kulshan Digest, and will feature the creative writing of students from Whatcom and Skagit counties. We're planning at the moment to have a prototype issue ready at the beginning of the summer, and have our first official issue out in September.
For more information, and to keep up with what we're up to, go like our facebook page and follow us on twitter! You can find us as "Kulshan Digest" on both.
The second exciting thing I'm doing is a little bittersweet. My lovely Irish Dance teacher is leaving us for three months to go to Ireland, and while she is gone, I and another of the advanced students are picking up all her classes. I'm teaching the beginner class by myself, which should be an adventure, and then my friend and I are co-teaching the intermediate and advanced classes.
It's going to be fun, but also a little scary. I have some plans for what to do with the kids, including some kind of ambitious secret long term ideas that I don't want to say because they're secret!
Both of these projects are things I'm excited about, but also things that take a lot of time, so that's part of my recent quite spell on the blog. I am also as busy as always with school, and in fact even busier than usual with that right now. My english class is really hard, and my german and math classes are both getting more demanding very quickly.
But on the whole, I'm pretty happy and excited about the stuff I have going on. Stay tuned for more about both of these projects!
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