
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Another Set of Changes

You may remember that about nine months ago, I posted about some changes that were coming to this blog. The big one was that I was going to be focusing less of reading and writing, and more on my personal life, thought the Weekend Review posts, which served as weekly life updates. As time has gone on, those updates have been less and less frequent, and so has my posting in general. 

I want to revitalize this blog a bit, and part of that is going to involve rethinking it's purpose. I want this blog to first and foremost be a place for me to share my thoughts and ideas about what I've been thinking, reading, writing, and doing. While the life update posts do fit into that in a way, they distract from the main idea a little.

I am going to have those life update posts drift away from this blog a bit in the near future. Yes, that means I do have a secondary blog that those are going to go onto. For those of you who know Spencer and his blog, my goal is to go a bit in that direction, posting daily, or at least three or four times a week. Some days might be a simple outline of what I was doing, others might be a discussion relating to something I heard about in class, or read online. My goal is for the posts to be short but current and interesting. 

This blog will remain mostly as it is. Book reviews (hopefully more of them) will remain on here, as will my thoughts on writing, homeschooling, college, and other similar topics. Likely, if you follow both blogs, you'll see some topics coming up over there in a rough form, and them over here a week or two later, having been polished and written and edited to satisfaction. 

This blog will probably start to look a little different soon, so get ready for that. I hope to still post here once a week or (maybe) more, and over on the other blog three to six times a week.

My new blog is really intended for those who really want to keep up with my life, and I imagine will mostly keep the attention of my offline friends and family. I won't promote it much, either here or on social media, unless there is something going on over there that I think is really interesting.

Click here to see my new blog: The Daily Ramble. I am planning on starting to post over there very soon, this week or next, so grab the RSS feed now to stay connected! It is pretty boring and barren over there at the moment, but that will change soon.

1 comment:

  1. That's exciting! Good luck with your new blog! I'll keep an eye on it for future posts. :)
