
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015 {Insurgent}

1. Today I slept in until close to 8am, which was awesome. I got up and got ready for the day.

2. I babysat for a couple of hours. I spent most of the time watching the family's chicks as they became accustomed to their outdoor coop. The kids and I took them out for an hour or so to enjoy the nice weather before bringing them back in. The rest of the time was just messing around inside while the kids ate lunch, and the 6yo showed off her reading skills.

3. I came home and worked on my Geology homework for a little while, reading about metamorphic rocks. I then started an extra credit English assignment about how the cultural triad (gender, race, class) fits into my "thinking problem" I'm writing about in my essay.

4. Mom and Isabelle convinced me to see Insurgent with them. It wasn't as bad as I had feared it might be, but wasn't amazing. As I was joking about with Mom earlier, I love movie trailers, and I really, really love popcorn, and I think those might be the only reason I go to movies sometimes. That's not true for all movies of course, but certainly for some.

5. We came home and I worked a bunch more on the English assigment, ending up with 1000+ words of mostly gibberish about how we put ourselves into boxes because we aren't confidant in our role in society, and how this makes diverse societies and such difficult and why people tend to drift into groups of the "same" kind of people. It was weird, but it's extra credit, so heck, why not?

6. Worked on my Geology homework a bit, mostly filling in boxes about the likely formation of various rocks.

7. Was invited to a web based game of Nomic by an IRL friend. I'd never heard of Nomic before, but it sounds pretty awesome, and I'm excited to see how this goes. If you don't know what I'm talking about... google it.

8. Ate dinner, and had a long discussion with Mom about the political structures at SVC, and her concerns about the future there.

9. Watched Doctor Who, put finishing touches on Geo homework, got frustrated with Canvas as it wouldn't let me submit my English extra credit paper, wrote this log, read Jane Eyre, went to bed.

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