
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Random Tumblr Survey!

Hey look! It's a survey. Cause why not. I remember getting so many of these things in my email when I was eight or nine. I haven't done one in years, so what the heck. I found this here. I went through a bunch of these, and this was the cleanest one I could find. There are a lot on there that would be fun, but that aren't really appropriate for this blog.

1.How many pets do you own? 
One black cat named Luna.

2. What’s your least favorite season? 
Probably winter. I'm not a huge fan of snow (which we don't even get every year anyway), and winter around here is just cold and gray and wet.

3. Do you prefer to text or call? 
Usually text, though I am very aware of the communication issues texting can cause. I will always call if it's important. Well, actually that depends on the person I'm trying to get ahold of. Most people know me well enough that they know that if I'm calling them and not texting, it's probably serious or urgent. Unless it's my mom. I call her more often that most people.

4. Morning or night?
Five years ago I would have said morning, but now that I have to get up at 6am for school everyday, I would say night. I like mornings sometimes, but on the whole, I'm really a night person.

5. Do you like tacos?
Yeah, but they aren't a favorite food of mine.

6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Extrovert. I used to be an introvert, but I am now clearly an extrovert. And I'm defining those terms the Jungian way, so when I say I'm an extrovert, I mean that I get my energy from social interaction, which I certainly do.

7. What’s your favorite desert?
Hmm. That's hard. Probably either gelato (like ice cream but better!), or fudge, if that counts. I don't know, is that a candy? Does candy count?

8. Do you enjoy walks?
I do, though I don't take near enough of them.

9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?
Yes. Facebook is such a strange place, but I do spend a lot of time there.

10. Do you watch animated shows still?
Not really. Just Gravity Falls at the moment, and that's the exception, not the rule.

11. Can you roll your tongue?

12. What’s your “lucky” number?
The number 12.

13. Are you scared of anything?
So many things...

14. Big mac or big whopper? 
Neither. I haven't had either one of those... possibly ever?

15. Do you like to play board games?
I do, though I rarely actually play them.

16. Are you fond of romantic novels?
Not really. I don't have anything against them, but I like more plot and character development than is typically found in a romance novel.

17. Fruitloops or cocopops?
The person who made this quiz has never met my mom. Neither.

18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars?
Gosh, that's hard. I don't know...

19. Are you a heavy drinker?
Heh. No.

20. Would you forgive someone for cheating?
It would depend on the situation, but probably not.

21. Are you superstitious?
Not really.

22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?

23. Do you like to read?

24. Are you easily distressed?

25. Do you believe in aliens?

26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?
So not answering that one. Way too many people I know IRL will read this post.

27. Dogs or cats?

28. Are you a grumpy person?
I like to think not, but my sister would tell you something different.

29. What’s something you hate?
People who abuse your trust. On a lighter note, avocados and sun dried tomatoes (though I love fresh tomatoes).

30. Are you a worry wart?
Yes. So much yes.

31. Do you like having your picture taken?
I don't have strong feelings either way on the matter.

32. Do you like cotton candy?
It's okay. Honestly, I've had it maybe three times in my life.

33. Would you ever use a dating site?
I don't know. I think they're kind of weird, but maybe someday?

34. Do you believe in ghosts?

35. Rap or pop?
Pop, not that I like it all that much, I just dislike it less that rap.

36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?
I have no idea... I don't try a lot of weird ice cream flavors. At the gelato place I go every week, you can get three flavors at once. I think the weirdest combo I've ever had was Salted Caramel, Blood Orange, and Chocolate. Not that weird, I know... I just don't eat weird food.

37. Do you like math?
Math is the bane of my existence.

38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?
No, I don't, and I hate it when other people do.

39. Love or lust?

40. Do you remember lyrics easily?
Yeah, I have tons of song lyrics memorized.

41. What was/is your favorite school subject? 

42: Do you like tattoos?
I don't mind them on other people, but I doubt I'll ever get one.

43. Are you the type of person to lie?
Not unless it's absolutely necessary.

44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast?

45. What music are you listening to right now?
Everclear, Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Lavender, and that's about it...

47. Do you like Lady Gaga?

48. What about Nick Minaj?

49. Do you like rainy days?
I do. I think it's kind of a pre-req to living happily in the PNW. I don't like drizzly gray days, but actual rainy days are kind of nice every once in a while.

50. Last question, do you like pie?
Duh. Who doesn't?

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