
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015 {BA~CON}

1. Got up and did very little productive for several hours, though I did look over the study guide for the Geology exam next week and do some of the practice questions.

2. I finished listening to the new Hello Internet, in which I learned a lot about politics in the U.K. I also listened to the new Welcome to Nightvale.

3. Ate lunch, then headed to WCC for the Bellingham Anime Con! Also known as {BA~CON}.

4. Spent the next four hours as a volunteer at the event. I'm not really into anime or cosplay, but it was still pretty cool to be there.

5. I spent the first two hours at the Peacebonding/Cosplay First Aid booth, where I helped one person superglue something back onto her costume. People occasionally asked me questions which I usually didn't know the answer to, in which case I just directed them to the registration booth to ask someone who actually knew what they were doing.

6. I spent the next hour doing "crowd control." My job was to stand in one of the panel rooms and make sure that everyone who came in had a badge, and that the room didn't exceed max capacity, which was somewhere around 50. I don't think there were more that 15 people at the most.

7. I then was sent to start an anime showing in another room, which took all of 3 minutes. I also was one of the judges of the art contest at somewhere in there.

8. I spent the last hour picking up trash, and handing out glow sticks. That, it turns out, is the way to get a building full of strangers to suddenly love you. The two of us who were wandering around handing out glow sticks were remarkably popular very quickly.

9. I left WCC, and headed home for dinner and such.

10. Ate dinner, ate some cake, watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

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