1. Got up at the ungodly time of 5:45, got ready to go.
2. Left the house at about 6:45, and ate a bagel in the car. We were on our way to visit The Evergreen State College, about 3 hours away. I did some studying in the car.
3. Made it to Olympia around 9:30, and found a place to park. We then walked to find the admissions office.
4. We listen to an hour long admissions presentation. It was one of the better ones I've heard. They talked a lot about the unique academic situation at Evergreen, and it was well done. I have a feeling that as a homeschooler, they would be very nice to work with application wise. They are certainly used to non-traditional transcripts and such.
5. After that we went on an hour long tour of the campus. It was very similar to so many campus tours I've been on. We saw the main academic buildings, a dorm room, etc.
6. After that, we ate lunch hurriedly, and then I went to sit in on a class. The class that day was seminar style, meaning that it was broken up into groups of 15 or so, and each was doing student led activities and discussion. It was a three hour class, but I could only stay for the first hour, after which point I met back up with mom, and we headed home.
7. We drove home. I was tired and feeling kind of weird, so I attempted to sleep on the way home, and did a little.
8. We stopped and got dinner at Chipotle on the way home.
9. When we got home, I finished the draft that was due the next day in English, and attempted to study for the test in Geology.
10. We watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.
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