
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Saturday May 30, 2015 {Geology Fieldtrip}

1. Got up around 7:30. Mom and Isabelle left around 9, cause Isabelle was selling her knitted dogs at the farmer's market.

2. C. and his dad picked me up at 9:30, and we headed to WCC. A little after 10, we packed into a van, and headed to Larrabee state park, stopping on the way in the Happy Valley neighborhood to look at a giant rock there.

3. We spent the day around Chuckanut Drive, looking at various sites at Larrabee and Clayton Beach.

4. The weather was awesome, and it was actually pretty fun. We saw a layer of coal in the bedrock in a few locations, and we saw some pretty awesome fossils, including some of palm fronds!

5. We have to write an essay about the geologic history of the Pacific Northwest based on what we saw on the fieldtrip, so we also spent some time trying to put the "events" we saw in the correct order.

6. We got back to school around 4, and my mom picked me up there and we went home. We went to the bus that sells fish and chips in Fairhaven for dinner, and then came home.

7. Watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015 {Lots of Rocks}

1. I woke up at 6, very tired and very sore.

2. I got the bus to school, and was early as usual for Geology.

3. Geology was fun today. We got our tests back from last week, and I was plesently surprised with my grades, particularly the lab test. We then had the opprotunity to do some more lab work for bonus points. The lab was just IDing more rocks, which I really like doing. We also talked a bit about the field trip this weekend.

4. C. and I hung out on our usual bench. L. was there for a bit, and we talked about her weekend, and then C. and I talked about the current goings on for a while before we both had class.

5. At English, we talked about connotation of language, and did some fun exercises related to that.

6. After class, I met up with C. and L. again, and then played a game on my iPod for a while and ate lunch while C. was in class. After he got out, his mom and sister picked us and we headed to parkday.

7. Parkday was strange this week with two of the main families absent, and C., G. (who is home for the summer) and I spent most of it on a bench, observing some interesting kites.

8. We left pd, and headed home to eat dinner, and then I did some math and stuff.

9. Watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, worked on a blog post for the main blog, and went to bed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 {Teaching Irish Dance}

1. I got up and got a slow start to the morning.

2. I worked on my English paper for a good chunk of the morning, and then did some other miscelanious school things that needed doing.

3. In the mid-afternoon, Gloria took me to the bus, which I rode to the dance studio downtown. I hung out there for a little bit, and then I taught a beginning Irish dance class!

4. Heather, our teacher, is out of town right now, and so she asked if I could fill in for her for the beginning kids. It was fun, albeit challenging. The kids are young ,and their attention span is short, but it was still a good experience for me. They didn't really learn much new stuff, but they got to practice some things, and hopefully have some fun.

5. I ate some dinner that I had brought with me, then went to Chocolate Necessiteis to get some gelato, since I had a gift card there. Flavors of the week: lemon and watermelon. I did my geology homework while I was over there.

6. I headed back to NW Ballet for my ballet class. I hadn't been in two weeks, so I was glad to be back. I am still having a lot of frustration with my pirouettes. I can hold a balance in retire for about 4 seconds, which means I should not have trouble doing double (or even triple) pirouettes, but I can barely do a double. Gah.

7. Mom picked me up and we went home. I finished up my English homework, and submitted it online. I debated doing a bonus assignment for Geology, but ultimately decided against it.

8. I read Jane Eyre, and went to bed, totally exhausted.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Monday May 25, 2015 {Memorial Day}

1. I got up around 8:30, and hung around for the morning. I worked a bit on a paper for English. I also listened to the new Hello Internet.

2. At about 1pm, Gloria and Spencer picked me up and we went to Fairhaven. Spencer and I walked down to Boulevard Park, and then continued all the way to downtown, and then came back, which is, I calculated, about 2.5 miles one way.

3. It was great catching up with Spencer, and we talked about all sorts of college stuff, and the state of the homeschool group, and our future plans.

4. We stopped for donuts at Rocket Donuts in Fairhaven, then met Gloria again, and they dropped me off back at home.

5. I ate some food quickly, and then left to babysit. The weather was nice, so the kids and I played outside for most of the time.

6. I got home about 8:30, and watched some philosophy videos on YouTube for a while before reading Jane Eyre, and going to bed.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Friday May 22, 2015 {Western Washington University}

1. Got up and got ready. Took the bus to school. Stopped at Cafe Avellino (a little coffee shop right by WCC) for a chai tea latte on my way to school. I love that place, but I don't go there often because I don't have that kind of money.

2. Despite stopping, I still got to class 15 minutes early. The door was locked today, so I had to wait outside the classroom for Bernie, the teacher, to get there. Geology class today was about "mass movement:" landslides, rock slides, mud flows, etc. Apparently we aren't allowed to call them "mudslides" because mud is a liquid, and liquids can't slide, they flow. So it's a mud flow, and a rock slide.

3. After class, C. and I hung out as per the usual. We talked about various things, including this game called Click that link at your own risk. Seriously, it's an odd game, and because people get to choose their own names, very often not at all family friendly. We also talked about lots of other random things.

4. C. left for class, but my English class was canceled, so I sat in Syre for another hour. I saw my friend Jake multiple times when he walked by. Once, he told me about a hilarious (and not appropriate for young audiences) tarot reading he had just gotten, another time he showed me a glass eyeball he had found in the lost and found, and then the last time I was staring at him as he walked down the stairs and he threatened to throw quarters at me. Hey, free money! :P I have weird friends.

5. I left WCC and headed to Western. We started by going to meet with an admissions counselor, and then went on a campus tour.

6. This is the part where I should probably talk about how I feel about WWU, but I am so conflicted about it. In a lot of ways, I really, really like it. They have a good English department, their travel opportunities are good, and as a homeschool student, I feel like it would be pretty easy to apply there. The problem is that it's literally 15 minutes away from home. I do know that if I go there, I don't want to live at home, but that seems kind of irresponsible. Why spend another $10,000 a year if I don't have to. After visiting today, I can say Western is certainly in my top three or four, and might even be my top choice if only it weren't so close to home.

8. After that, we came home and had dinner. Then we walked down to the convenience store two blocks away to buy ice cream bars.

9. We went home, I did some homework, then did nothing for a little while.

10. Mom and I spent a while trying out the "net price calculators" on the websites of a few different colleges. I know that you can't put too much stock in those, but it was interesting to see what they estimated I would get in scholarships and such. It's also a bit terrifying.

11. Watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, went to bed.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015 {Harry Potter in Latin}

1. Got up around 6:45, and got ready for the day.

2. Spent my morning doing various schooly things, and planning out the day's Latin lesson.

3. Walked two blocks to Gloria's house for Latin. We did some fun activities that included reading the first Harry Potter book aloud in Latin.

4. I had an idea about creating a Harry Potter Latin Summer Book Club (still working on the name :P), and emailed people who I thought might be interested by such an idea.

5. Did some more things that were boringly academic in nature, then went to my dad's house.

6. Researched various smartphones for a while, and made a nice chart of what they cost from different places.

7. I realized that my SAT scores were up on the College Board website, so I went to check those. My total was a 1800, which I was pretty happy with, though I wish I had done better on the math. Interestingly, my ACT scores are actually quite a bit better than the SAT scores.

8. Isabelle and I had dinner with my dad and Beth, then came back home.

9. I discussed college stuff with my mom for a while, watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wednesday May 20, 2015 {Geology Midterm}

1. Got up at 6am, got ready to go, and took the bus to school.

2. From 8am to 10am, we had an exam in Geology. Half of it was an 80 question multiple choice test based on lecture material, and the other half was a lab test, in which we had to identify 10 rocks. The two combined are worth 190 points out of the 540 possible this entire quarter! This exam is worth twice as much as the final.

3. Once that was done, C. and I hung out for a while. L. joined us for a bit, and we discussed the nature of our lives.

4. C. had to leave to make some changes to his fall schedule, and L. and I hung out for a little while, then walked to class.

5. In English, we did peer review work on the drafts of the background sections of our research papers that we had just turned in.

6. After English, I went to find C. at our usual spot, but through some bad luck we managed to again miss each other.

7. I went to the Co-op to eat lunch, and then my dad and Isabelle met me there and we drove to park day.

8. Park day was beautiful! The weather is so awesome right now. I lay in the sun for a while waiting for people to get there. When C. got there, we talked for a while and then started walking in laps around the park. We estimate we probably walked multiple miles over the afternoon.

9. We came home, ate dinner, and then I wrote the post for yesterday and started in on this one. I wrote this post for my other blog, and then did some math.

10. Watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed. I actually feel asleep around 10:30, which is the earliest that's happened in ages. I was really tired.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Random Tumblr Survey!

Hey look! It's a survey. Cause why not. I remember getting so many of these things in my email when I was eight or nine. I haven't done one in years, so what the heck. I found this here. I went through a bunch of these, and this was the cleanest one I could find. There are a lot on there that would be fun, but that aren't really appropriate for this blog.

1.How many pets do you own? 
One black cat named Luna.

2. What’s your least favorite season? 
Probably winter. I'm not a huge fan of snow (which we don't even get every year anyway), and winter around here is just cold and gray and wet.

3. Do you prefer to text or call? 
Usually text, though I am very aware of the communication issues texting can cause. I will always call if it's important. Well, actually that depends on the person I'm trying to get ahold of. Most people know me well enough that they know that if I'm calling them and not texting, it's probably serious or urgent. Unless it's my mom. I call her more often that most people.

4. Morning or night?
Five years ago I would have said morning, but now that I have to get up at 6am for school everyday, I would say night. I like mornings sometimes, but on the whole, I'm really a night person.

5. Do you like tacos?
Yeah, but they aren't a favorite food of mine.

6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Extrovert. I used to be an introvert, but I am now clearly an extrovert. And I'm defining those terms the Jungian way, so when I say I'm an extrovert, I mean that I get my energy from social interaction, which I certainly do.

7. What’s your favorite desert?
Hmm. That's hard. Probably either gelato (like ice cream but better!), or fudge, if that counts. I don't know, is that a candy? Does candy count?

8. Do you enjoy walks?
I do, though I don't take near enough of them.

9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?
Yes. Facebook is such a strange place, but I do spend a lot of time there.

10. Do you watch animated shows still?
Not really. Just Gravity Falls at the moment, and that's the exception, not the rule.

11. Can you roll your tongue?

12. What’s your “lucky” number?
The number 12.

13. Are you scared of anything?
So many things...

14. Big mac or big whopper? 
Neither. I haven't had either one of those... possibly ever?

15. Do you like to play board games?
I do, though I rarely actually play them.

16. Are you fond of romantic novels?
Not really. I don't have anything against them, but I like more plot and character development than is typically found in a romance novel.

17. Fruitloops or cocopops?
The person who made this quiz has never met my mom. Neither.

18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars?
Gosh, that's hard. I don't know...

19. Are you a heavy drinker?
Heh. No.

20. Would you forgive someone for cheating?
It would depend on the situation, but probably not.

21. Are you superstitious?
Not really.

22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?

23. Do you like to read?

24. Are you easily distressed?

25. Do you believe in aliens?

26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?
So not answering that one. Way too many people I know IRL will read this post.

27. Dogs or cats?

28. Are you a grumpy person?
I like to think not, but my sister would tell you something different.

29. What’s something you hate?
People who abuse your trust. On a lighter note, avocados and sun dried tomatoes (though I love fresh tomatoes).

30. Are you a worry wart?
Yes. So much yes.

31. Do you like having your picture taken?
I don't have strong feelings either way on the matter.

32. Do you like cotton candy?
It's okay. Honestly, I've had it maybe three times in my life.

33. Would you ever use a dating site?
I don't know. I think they're kind of weird, but maybe someday?

34. Do you believe in ghosts?

35. Rap or pop?
Pop, not that I like it all that much, I just dislike it less that rap.

36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?
I have no idea... I don't try a lot of weird ice cream flavors. At the gelato place I go every week, you can get three flavors at once. I think the weirdest combo I've ever had was Salted Caramel, Blood Orange, and Chocolate. Not that weird, I know... I just don't eat weird food.

37. Do you like math?
Math is the bane of my existence.

38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?
No, I don't, and I hate it when other people do.

39. Love or lust?

40. Do you remember lyrics easily?
Yeah, I have tons of song lyrics memorized.

41. What was/is your favorite school subject? 

42: Do you like tattoos?
I don't mind them on other people, but I doubt I'll ever get one.

43. Are you the type of person to lie?
Not unless it's absolutely necessary.

44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast?

45. What music are you listening to right now?
Everclear, Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Lavender, and that's about it...

47. Do you like Lady Gaga?

48. What about Nick Minaj?

49. Do you like rainy days?
I do. I think it's kind of a pre-req to living happily in the PNW. I don't like drizzly gray days, but actual rainy days are kind of nice every once in a while.

50. Last question, do you like pie?
Duh. Who doesn't?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 {The Evergreen State College}

1. Got up at the ungodly time of 5:45, got ready to go.

2. Left the house at about 6:45, and ate a bagel in the car. We were on our way to visit The Evergreen State College, about 3 hours away. I did some studying in the car.

3. Made it to Olympia around 9:30, and found a place to park. We then walked to find the admissions office.

4. We listen to an hour long admissions presentation. It was one of the better ones I've heard. They talked a lot about the unique academic situation at Evergreen, and it was well done. I have a feeling that as a homeschooler, they would be very nice to work with application wise. They are certainly used to non-traditional transcripts and such.

5. After that we went on an hour long tour of the campus. It was very similar to so many campus tours I've been on. We saw the main academic buildings, a dorm room, etc.

6. After that, we ate lunch hurriedly, and then I went to sit in on a class. The class that day was seminar style, meaning that it was broken up into groups of 15 or so, and each was doing student led activities and discussion. It was a three hour class, but I could only stay for the first hour, after which point I met back up with mom, and we headed home.

7. We drove home. I was tired and feeling kind of weird, so I attempted to sleep on the way home, and did a little.

8. We stopped and got dinner at Chipotle on the way home.

9. When we got home, I finished the draft that was due the next day in English, and attempted to study for the test in Geology.

10. We watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015 {BA~CON}

1. Got up and did very little productive for several hours, though I did look over the study guide for the Geology exam next week and do some of the practice questions.

2. I finished listening to the new Hello Internet, in which I learned a lot about politics in the U.K. I also listened to the new Welcome to Nightvale.

3. Ate lunch, then headed to WCC for the Bellingham Anime Con! Also known as {BA~CON}.

4. Spent the next four hours as a volunteer at the event. I'm not really into anime or cosplay, but it was still pretty cool to be there.

5. I spent the first two hours at the Peacebonding/Cosplay First Aid booth, where I helped one person superglue something back onto her costume. People occasionally asked me questions which I usually didn't know the answer to, in which case I just directed them to the registration booth to ask someone who actually knew what they were doing.

6. I spent the next hour doing "crowd control." My job was to stand in one of the panel rooms and make sure that everyone who came in had a badge, and that the room didn't exceed max capacity, which was somewhere around 50. I don't think there were more that 15 people at the most.

7. I then was sent to start an anime showing in another room, which took all of 3 minutes. I also was one of the judges of the art contest at somewhere in there.

8. I spent the last hour picking up trash, and handing out glow sticks. That, it turns out, is the way to get a building full of strangers to suddenly love you. The two of us who were wandering around handing out glow sticks were remarkably popular very quickly.

9. I left WCC, and headed home for dinner and such.

10. Ate dinner, ate some cake, watched Doctor Who, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015 {Pizza and Ice Cream}

1. I got up at 6, and got ready for school. I took the bus to WCC, and got to class early as usual.

2. I had decided the night before to not even attempt the bonus assignment, and as it turned out, only one person actually did. We had a quiz (which I think I did okay on), and then the rest of the class period was finishing up the rock identification lab from a week or two ago. C. and I barely had time to finish the lab before class was over, and actually, we stayed a few minutes late to get the the last two or three rocks. The lab and postlab worksheets were actually due today, but since I don't think a single person finished in time, he said we could turn them in on Monday morning instead.

3. After that, C. had to work, so I went to find L. to hang out for a while. After she left for class, I had to go the the library to print some things out for my next class. I went to go meet C. in the math center, but got caught up talking to Jake about Age of Ultron, which I haven't seen yet, and he's seen twice now. I eventually just had to leave the conversation because of spoiler reasons, but by the time I made it to the math center, C. was already gone.

4. I went to English. We had just turned in proposals for our research project, which included a short annotated bibliography, and we spent much of the class in peer review groups reading and discussing other people's proposals.

5. After class, I rode the bus downtown, and walked to an appointment I had. After that, Connie gave me a ride to Current Events class at my house.

6. The meta-topic of the day was "debate", and it was an interesting one. Lots of good discussion.

7. After class, most of us went to a pizza place downtown to eat and hang out. Despite my "no gifts" edict, I did still recieve a few, most notably from C. a sonic screwdriver that is an actual working pen that writes in normal ink and invisible ink. And the screwdriver lights up with ultraviolet light, letting you read the invisible ink.

8. After a few hours, we walked a few blocks to Mallard's for ice cream. Once there, HW. and I (and sort of C.) spent a while trying to figure out how much dirt you eat a day if you, as HW. claimed an old saying said "eat a peck of dirt before you die." Using a conversion app on his phone, we did some calculations, and after a lot of error, we came to the conclusion that if you do indeed eat a peck of dirt (which is about 2 gallons) of dirt before you die, and you live for 80 years, you eat about 1/3 of a cubic centimeter of dirt each day. I love my geeky friends. :) 

9. Ted got the rest of them to sing happy birthday to me not once but twice, once at Rudy's, where I was sort of expecting it, and once at Mallard's, where I definitely wasn't. 

10. We went home, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 {My 17th Birthday}

1. I got up, and got ready, then ate a cinnamon role and some strawberries.

2. My morning was largely uneventful. I did some homework, read a little, did boring stuff.

3. I ate some lunch, did a little more school work, and really, that was basically all I did until about 3pm.

4. I also read all the Facebook messages I got from people. Thank you so much everybody, you are all so awesome! :)

5. At about 3, Julie picked us up and we went to her house where Isabelle did Julie's physics class, and I worked with some clay for a project I'm working on.

6. After that, Mom came to pick us up, and Connie surprised me by bringing cupcakes, and there was a mini impromptu celebration, which was fun.

7. We left Julie's and went to Busara (an awesome Thai restaurant in town) for dinner, skipping ballet. We came home, I opened some presents, and then we had cake from Pure Bliss, a bakery in town.

8. We watched Doctor Who, and then Mom and I spent an hour talking about what classes I should register for Fall quarter (because I need to register tomorrow morning).

9. Wrote this, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015 {Small Town}

1. Got up at 6am, and got ready for the day. Left the house to catch the bus at 7:20, and got to school around 7:45.

2. Geology. Today's topic was glaciers and that sort of stuff. It was actually pretty fun because a lot of it was talking about local stuff. Mt. Baker turns out to be a totally interesting place when it comes to this kind of stuff.

3. After class, C. went to register for fall classes, so I hung out with L. for a while. After C. came back, we talked about random stuff for a while, including local drama, gummy candies, minigolf, what classes we're taking in the fall, and various other things.

4. English. We had to get started on our research papers today, which we'll be working on for the remainder of the quarter.  I am writing about homeschooled students' preparedness for college and the world beyond, which I think should be a fun and pertinent subject. When we shared our topic ideas with the class, everyone seemed to think I was sort of crazy, but that's okay. I don't mind being the crazy one who writes about homeschooling as long as I get a good grade.

5. After that, C. played minigolf on my ipod for a while because the iOS version has more features than the Android one. He left for class, and I worked on homework for a little while, and wrote up yesterday's blog post.

6. I caught the bus to the library, and volunteered there for an hour, cleaning toys, books, and glue sticks (almost the weirdest thing I've done in the four years I've been there).

7. Went to Chocolate Necessities w/ Julie and the boys. Gelato of the week: chocolate, red orange, and pink grapefruit. I did some Geology homework, and ran into my friend Devon from many years back, plus Dad and Beth stopped by as well. Small town...

8. Irish dance. We had an hour of class, and then a little over an hour of rehearsal for an upcoming performance.

9. Came home, ate some dinner, texted a little with some friends, wrote this, read Jane Eyre, went to bed.

I'll post about tomorrow for sure. Today's my last day being 16!

Sunday, May 10, 2015 {Happy Mother's Day!}

1. Slept in until 8, then had breakfast and got ready.

2. Left for my grandparent's house at about 10:30. We had to make a few stops on the way, so we didn't get there until around noon.

3. The rest of the day was spent at my grandparent's house with my mom's whole family. Both of her sisters and their families were there.

4. There are five of us grandkids (Isabelle and I plus our three cousins) and of the five of us, two are graduating from highschool right now, and two have birthdays in the next week or two. So it was part graduation party, part birthday party, and part mother's day party. Of the five cousins, only poor Isabelle didn't have a particular reason to celebrate.

5. The five of us are close in age (ranging from 18-13), and have always lived relatively close to one another, so we've always been pretty close. There was a push at Thanksgiving by some of the adults to move us all to the main table instead of giving us a kids table. That was the case today too, though when desert was served, we all headed to the back yard. We all loved having a kids table, and the parents want us to integrate in with them, but it's not happening. :P

6. We ate lunch, had some cake, hung out for several hours, and opened some presents.  I ended up with a good deal of cash and some gift cards.

7. We got home around 7pm.

8. After we got home, I realized I hadn't done my Geology homework yet (oops), but luckily it only took me about 30 minutes (the assignment was just to define a bunch of words related to glaciers). I briefly panicked that the post-lab was due Monday also, but I texted C. who reminded me that it's not due until Friday.

9. We watched some Doctor Who, and read Jane Eyre. Then mom and I got into this discussion about Charlotte Bronte, which involved some googling, and we found out that she died at the age of 38! Of the three famous Bronte sisters, she died at 38, Emily died at 30, and Anne died at 29, all within a few months of each other, except for Charlotte who survived her siblings by several years. Their brother died around the same time (was was a similar age). All of the Bronte siblings (including the two oldest sisters who died in childhood) died of tuberculosis.

10. Off to bed, school tomorrow.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015 {Babysitting}

1. Got up a little after 8, and did nothing useful for a while. Talked with some friends, added my vote to the new Nomic rule suggestion, read some blogs, and the like.

2. Got ready for the day, ate some food.

3. Spent the vast majority of the day laying around, listening to music, trying to brainstorm some ideas for the research paper that I'll spend the rest of the quarter writing in English, and working on my Geology post-lab.

4. Ate pulled pork sliders for an early dinner, than went babysitting.

5. The kids and I had an awesome time playing outside. The weather was so awesome - it was still warm and light out all the way up until I left at 8:30. First the kids played out in the yard, but when the hose with the mist attachment came out and people started getting wet (well, when I started getting wet, the kids loved it) it was time to find something else to do. We took the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood, played a bunch of hide and seek in the grass, and threw around some styrofoam airplanes. Those planes became my nemises, as one first went into the neighbor's yard, and I had to go talk to the neighbor kid (who did not look happy that some random teenage girl with no shoes and dried grass in her hair was trying to get help from him) who eventually got it back for me. It them went into a tree, and I had to climb up and retrieve it. Then, it went into the chicken inclosure which was full of poop (and empty of chickens because it needed cleaning. After that, I directed the kid's attention elsewhere.

6. Playing outside with the kids gave me a weird feeling. We were playing hide and seek in this big stretch of tall grass above the dog park in Fairhaven, and it reminded me of the places my sister and I used to play growing up. When I was running through the grass and throwing myself down in it, and looking up at the sky, it took me right back to being seven or eight years old and playing these kinds of games with Isabelle, which I realize now was nearly ten years ago. It's a strange feeling.

7. When my mom and Isabelle picked me up from that, they surprised me with a Chocolate Almond donut (my very favorite kind) from Rocket Donuts!

8. I came home very tired from playing with the kids, and read a little on the web before writing this, reading Jane Eyre, and going to bed.

Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day that I will write about once I have the chance. Also ,a very happy belated birthday to Spencer!

Friday, May 8, 2015 {Last Self Defense Class}

Another backlog, almost back up to the present!

1. Woke up early, went to school. Some of my friends and I have had a group chat on google hangouts and have recently discovered the near impossibility of getting all four of us in the chat at the same time. We were all briefly on in the morning for about 10 minutes, then I had to leave for school.

2. Got off the bus, walked to Kulshan, and waited for class to start. The bus I take gets me there about 20 minutes early, so I usually am the first person there.

3. It was a lab day in Geology, and we spent the day working on what my teacher calls "Geopuzzles." Basically, we get a drawing of a cross section of an outcrop or roadcut of rock, and then we have to say how the layers (and other features like faults) got there and in what order. I actually really like those, and I have a few more to do as the post-lab homework.

4. After Geology, C. and I went back to our normal spot in Syre. L. came and hung out with us for a while.

5. My English class was canceled because of an all-day all English department meeting, so when C. left for his next class, I went downstairs to get food and then finished up my essay. I added the Works Cited and did some proofreading. I recently was introduced to the bibliography tool in Word, and it is awesome. It makes citations so much easier. 

6. I walked to the computer lab to print off my essay, and over to Anna Wolff's office to turn it in in a box outside her door.

7. After doing that, I went back to Syre (the social hub of campus), and hung out with Lydia and her friends, most of whom I know to varying degrees. Matt, a guy from my English class, walked by and we talked briefly about our essays (both of which exceeded the 6-8 page guideline) and the fact that I'm on Anna's tenure review committee (woo! more on that later).

8. I got on the bus downtown, and walked (8 blocks uphill) to an appointment I had. After that, I walked back the way I came a few blocks to the Co-op downtown to do Latin with IP (using 1st and last cause "i" is too confusing to use alone as an initial). 

9. After Latin, Ted picked up IP, and my mom picked me up and we went home to eat dinner. After dinner, we went to the final self-defense class. The first part of the class was roleplaying de-escalating situations in pairs. When we came back to the big group, the teacher asked S. and I to do part of our roleplay again for the group, because we had a pretty realistic situation. That was a bit embarrassing, but we did do it anyway. The rest of the class was mostly review of things we've done over the past five weeks, plus a few new things about getting out of headlocks and stuff like that.

10. We got home pretty late, and I texted with some people for a little while before reading Jane Eyre and going to bed. For the first time in a week or so, I was so tired that I fell asleep pretty much immediately. It was a really long day, the kind where at the end of the day, the beginning of it felt like it had been a week ago.

Thursday, May 7, 2015 {Pompeii}

Sorry for the absence. It's been kind of a crazy week in every way. I've had some personal stuff going on, plus an crazy amount of homework at school. It seems to be slowing down a little but, but it's certainly not calm yet. Also, this is a few days late, but I still wanted to make sure I had a chance to write about this trip.

1. I got up at about 7:30. I've found now that even when I can sleep in, I still wake up pretty early.

2. I got ready, and drove to the high school (which is five minutes away) to get my Running Start paperwork signed for next fall. That took ten minutes, and then we came home and I ate breakfast and got ready to leave for Seattle.

3. We left about 11 (later than planned), and stopped at Haggen to quickly pick up some lunch. We made it to the Pacific Science Center just before 1. We (literally) ran three blocks to the PSC to get into the movie about Ancient Greece that started at 1. Julie and her crowd were already there and ushered us quickly in.

4. After the movie, we went into the Pompeii special exhibit, which is why we were at the Science Center in the first place. It was pretty interesting.

5. After coming out of that, we went into the butterfly exhibit. As Spencer said in his post about the trip, walking through the Science Center, and being in the butterfly area was kind of surreal. It all looks and feels exactly like it did when I remember going there as a kid, ten or so years ago. It's a weird feeling.

6. Everyone walked to the fountain, but I was having knee problems and couldn't walk that much more, and so Mom and I stayed sitting next to the Science Center. At dance on Tuesday, I did something to my left knee (which has a hyper-extension problem), and on Wednesday I did a lot of walking at parkday, which aggravated it, and by Thursday my knee was popping every time I stepped on it.

7. After they all got back from the fountain, we all went to the Chipotle in Northgate, which took us an hour to get to. Traffic was insane, and it took us forty minutes to get from the Seattle Center back to the freeway!

8. We all met at Chipotle and had dinner there. We left around 8ish, and got home before 10. On the car ride home, I worked a bit on the essay that was due in my English class the next day.

9. Got home, read Jane Eyre, texted with my friends a bit, went to bed.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday, May 3, 2015 {Plate Tectonics}

*This post has an Amazon Affiliate link in it, which means that if you click on it, then buy something, I'll get a small cut. You won't pay any more than normal, but Amazon will pay me a few percent of the purchase price.

1. I slept in until 8:30, then got up and ready.

2. I organized all the stuff I have to do this week (a lot), and figured out what I needed to do today. 

3. I ate some grapefruit and a muffin while working on a Geology lab that is due tomorrow. Most of the morning was spent working on that lab.

4. For the purpose of completing the lab, I downloaded and worked in Google Earth for a while. I'd never really used it before, and while there was a bit of a learning curve, it was actually pretty easy to use once I figured out how to use the search function properly. 

5. I spent a bunch of time working on a big world map, labeling tectonic plates, mountain ranges, volcanoes, geologic land forms, and the like. I'm not thrilled with how the map turned out - I think it could have been a lot clearer and easier to read, but it is what it is, and it's not worth enough points for it to be worth the time it would take me to try to make it better. 

6. I went shopping with Mom and Isabelle. By which I mean that they dropped me off at Starbucks, and then went shopping while I read more of the What If? book. I've talked a tiny bit about this book before, but I must recommend it again. It's by the XKCD guy, and it's really awesome. I'm not really a science person, but his descriptions and explanations still manage to both get my attention, and make sense to me. 

7. I came home, and researched and categorized a bunch of mountains and mountain ranges, and, when I finished that, the lab was finally done. On the whole, I think it could be better, but I'm not going to try to work on it more. I do know that I might not have answered all the questions fully, or in the intended manner, but I think I did well enough that I'm calling it good. Also, I have to budget my time. This is an assignment I need to do well on, but I don't have to get 100%, and I don't have to time to try. I have other things to focus on. Coming to the realization that I can't always try to get 100% on everything has been an important one for me. I get stressed out if I feel like I'm not doing well enough, but the reality is that with the grade I have in the class, I could not even hand in this lab, and still be doing well. I might not get the grade on this that I ultimately would like on this assignment, but I'll do well enough to still get the grade I want in the class, while also giving me time to work on other things I need to do.

8. After finishing that, I listened to the new Nightvale episode (episode 67). It was (no spoilers here, I promise), really great. As I described it to my friend E,, "It's amazing. It's one of those episodes that really rewards the people who have been there the whole time, but it also adds a new level of mystery and plot." It's true. If you're up to date on the episodes, you'll know that recent plot developments required this episode to be a bit different that most, and they handled that very well. It's one of my favorite episodes, I'd have to say.

9. I made a few little note cards. These are for the notecard exchange board in the art department at WCC. You can put up 3x5 (or similar) cards, and take ones that in return. They can have any kind of art on them, you just have to have made them. I'll put some pictures up once I have a chance to take them.

10. I spent some time doing random stuff, working a little on an essay I have due this week, and talking to some friends. We ate dinner

11. We watched Doctor Who, I wrote this, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday, May 2, 2015 {SAT!}

1. Got up at 6:15 (fifteen whole minutes later than I do on weekdays!!!!) after waking up at 4, 5, 5:30, an 6, freaking out that I had overslept.

2. Ate a quick breakfast, gathered my things, and left for the high school.

3. From 7:45 to 1, I was in a room taking the SAT. I would tell you about it, except that I signed a statement that yes, I was who I said I was, and no, I would not talk about the test in any way. So, yeah.

4. I missed the YARC (YA Review Committee) meeting at Village Books entirely, but a few of my totally awesome friends stuck around (and saved pizza for me!!). I went to VB after leaving the highschool to drop off the ARCs I needed to return, and C, L, and E were all still there, and we hung out for a little over an hour.

5. It was Independent Bookstore Day, so fun stuff was happening all over the bookstore, including a scavenger hunt. After finding the answers to some questions, and filling out a sheet of paper, you could turn it in for a prize. I got a giftcard, with which I bought fudge. Cause that's what you do with free money and fudge available to buy.

6. I finally got home around 3ish, and spent the next hour or two reading a little (What If? by Randall Munroe), and generally trying to relax. I was slightly productive, I did get a bit caught up on my Geology reading, but I was mostly trying to decompress from the SAT and all that.

7. We had tuna steaks and cauliflower for dinner, and Isabelle made some cookies.

8. We watched the Avengers and ate cookies.

9. I got a little bit of my Geology lab on plate tectonics done. I'll have to do the rest of it tomorrow.

10. I wrote this, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed. Tomorrow I get to sleep in! But I also have lots of homework to do, so there is that.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015 {May Day}

Today was a long day. I'm sitting here trying to remember this morning, and it feels like a week ago!

1. I got up nice and early (6ish), got ready for the day, and actually ate some breakfast, which is not always something that happens.

2. I took to bus to school and went to Geology class. The topic for today was mountains and mountain building.

3. After class, C. and I hung out in our usual spot. For the life of me, I can't remember what we talked about for most of the time. My lack of good sleep seems to be catching up with me. We did talk about stuff though, most of it random and unimportant, but some of it might have been interesting.

4. C. went off to his next class, and I did the English work we had instead of class today. The instructor is at a conference, so she moved class online. That took me a little over and hour, and then I wandered over to the art department in Cascade to check out the notecard exchange. I don't spend much time over there, but I love checking the cards. The idea is that anyone can put up a 3x5 (or similar) card with their art on it, and if you put one up, you can take one you like. There is some pretty cool stuff on there.

5. C. and his mom very kindly gave me a ride home, and once home I cleaned a little, and talked with my friend E. for a little bit on the phone. We talked mostly about my own social awkwardness and anxiety, but he also gave me my new life tagline, "I am too tired not to be sarcastic." This is me. XD

6. Current Events class happened. The topic was about categorizing people and how/if was can/should do that. It provided some interesting discussion. Ted led wonderfully and was obviously quite invested in this topic.

7. After class, some May Day gifts were dispensed (thanks Julie and Connie!).

8. We ate dinner, and headed to self defence class.

9. At the class, we had interesting discussion, and then worked on more ground grappling techniques.

10. Came home, wrote this, read Jane Erye, went to bed. SAT in the morning!