
Friday, September 13, 2013

Homeschool Friday: Sept. 9-13, 2013

This is the first week in my new HF series. I'm going to quickly go over each school subject, and talk about what I've done, and what I hope to do next week. Just so you know, most weeks will have much longer posts. I'm heading to a friends' house for a sleep over in a few hours, so I don't have a lot of time. I also didn't do too much in school this week, so this post is going to be more about goals. Also, which subjects I cover will change week to week, depending on if I did anything interesting. I'm not including English this week, for example, because all I did was two lesson on paragraphs in the book. Not interesting.

For history this week, I did a map of the Barbarian Kingdoms, and did some research on some of the tribes (the Burgundians, the Visigoths, the Ostrogoths, ect.). I also started reading the introduction to Beowulf. My goal for next week: Finish Beowulf.

Earth Science
I didn't get as much done here as I would have liked. I am going over the different types of Earth Science (Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, ect.), but I only did about half of what I would have liked. My goal for next week is to do four lessons (a lot, but doable).

This was my very first week of Spanish, and I only did some basic stuff. I learned some phrases like "Hello" "Goodbye" "How are you?" "My name is..." and the numbers. Next week should be more of the same.

Other Subjects
I did one lesson out of my Rhetoric book, which was quite interesting (it was about the four idols of Francis Bacon). I actually hope to write a blog post about it soon. Latin has been a struggle to find time to do, but I hope to dedicate more time to it next week. I got a bit stuck on one math lesson this week, so I didn't do as much as I would have liked, but I think I just need to watch the lesson again, and give the problems another try. My goal is to do five lessons next week.

Well, there you go. Is this boring, or do you find it interesting? I would like to know. Also, I know I've been talking about lesson and things with out explaining what curriculum it is, which might be confusing if you're actually trying to follow it (are you?). My goal is that every week to talk about he curriculum for one subject, along with everything else.

I've got to go attempt to get some school done before heading off for a fun party at my friend's house (the goal is to watch all the LOTR movies in a little less then 24 hours, and hopefully have time to sleep and eat. Impossible? Time will tell.).

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Monica,
    sounds like you have been busy trying to learn all that stuff.
    Thank you for visiting our blog. I commented back on our blog.
    We are new followers now. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Have fun at you sleep over and be safe.
    God bless.
