
Friday, January 24, 2014

Homeschool Friday {I still don't know the week}

It's Friday again! I only have about ten minutes to write today, so this is going to be short and sweet.

In History, I've been reading about China (from 300-1200 approximately), and doing some short writing assignments and maps related to that. In Science and Math, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I pretty much just continued doing what I was doign before. In Rhetoric, I did a section review.

This week, I really focused on Latin and Spanish. For both, I had made flashcards in the past, but hadn't really kept up with it, and had lost some at one point. I spent about three hours on Wednesday going through all my Latin flashcards, making sure I had every vocab word, making cards for the ones I didn't have, standardizing their form, and in the process, inadvertantly reviewign all my vocabulary! I also came up with a new review schedule, since, with about 750 words in Latin and about 300 in Spanish, it's not reasonable anymore to try to do it all every day. On Thursday, I did the same thing with my Spanish cards, which took about an hour and a half.

I also did a lot of Latin translation, and learned some new Spanish verb forms. I have been doing Latin for years now, which has been quite a process in many ways. My own mentality about it has shifted a lot too over the years. I think I'm going to try to write a whole post about that sometime in the next few days.

I finished Malgudi Days just in time for our discussion on Tuesday afternoon, and I put next month's book, Tasting the Sky, on hold at the library.

Today, I'm working on diagraming that sentence from yesterday's post. I have gotten through the first claue so far, so I have quite a ways to go! I'm having to relearn some diagraming rules as I go, since I haven't done this in a while, and this is a pretty complicated sentence. It's a lot of fun, though, and I hope to have something to show for it soon. If I spend the afternoon working on it, I should get pretty far. Unfortunatly, I'll be at a friend's house, and I forgot to bring my grammar book from 8th grade (which would have all of these rules and more), so I'm relying pretty heavily on google for the things I don't remember.

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