
Friday, January 17, 2014

Homeschool Friday: Week ??

After two months off, I'm finally back with another Homeschool Friday post. I'm not actually sure what week this is now (sixteen maybe?), but I'll go through and count before next week's post. This is my second week back doing school after Christmas break, so I'll try to quickly summarize both in this post.

First of all, we have History. Last week, I finished reading The Song of Roland. I didn't do any writing project after I finished it, but while I read it, I did a two or three sentence summary of each stanza, meaning I now have a twenty six page summary of the poem, written by me. :) This week, I moved on to India. I read about twenty five pages out of my textbook, did one paragraph bios of six people from that time and place, and then today, I am researching and writing up summaries of the five major Indian empires from the Middle Ages.

Science and Math
Science has been the subject I've done the least of this week. I finished up a unit on volcanoes, and started one on weather and erosion. For math, I've just been continuing on with what I've been doing. I finished a chapter on polynomial equations, and started one on graphing.

Latin and Spanish
In Latin, I've been working on third declension nouns. I've done this whole book before (and the one after it), so none of what I'm doing is particularly new. I'm really focusing on memorizing vocabulary and noun endings at the moment. In Spanish, I'm working on verbs. As it turns out, the verbs are almost exactly the same in both Latin and Spanish, so this has been really easy for me so far.

In other random things I'm working on, I'm trying to finish Malgudi Days before our World Lit group meets on Tuesday.

So, for the moment, this is about it. I'm going to try to get into a better posting schedule soon, which will involve posting HF posts (hopefully) every Friday. We'll see how that goes.

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