
Friday, January 31, 2014

Homeschool Friday {January 27-31 2014}

This week was not a particularly good school week. In fact, it was quite close to what I would call a bad school week. Here's what I did (and didn't) get done:

In History, I started reading The Travels of Marco Polo. I didn't get past the introduction, which, in my defence, was long and, well, the introduction to a piece of classic literature. It's not as bad as the introduction to Beowulf (the Chickering edition), worse than The Song of Roland (Dorothy Sayers edition), and about the same as ones from the Iliad, the Odyssey (both the Fagels translation), and The Epic of Gilgamesh (I have no idea who did this one. I don't have the book anymore, so I can't go check.).

I did all my math I wanted to do for the week (I actually did four days worth this afternoon, which is why this post is later than usual), which is nice, and also somewhat unusual. I am now done with the graphing chapter. Science was almost a total wash this week. It's time consuming, so it tends to be the first thing to go when I short on time and/or energy.

Vocab and Rhetoric both went fine. I started a section in Rhetoric on analogies, which are always fun. I sort of like Rhetoric, though it's a little weird since it tends to mainly be review of formal logic, which I did last year, with some practical applications but mostly just review. It's easier (though more time consuming) than formal logic, and not as fun.

In Latin, I continued finished Chapter 15, and started chapter 16, which is about 3rd conjugation -io verbs. I'm finally getting into some more challenging stuff again, which is kind of nice. Speaking of Latin, you should read this post I wrote about it this week, if you haven't already. In Spanish, I continued the section on verbs, though I did not get as far as I would have liked.

 I also started Tasting the Sky, our February World Lit book, and got about 1/2 way through it. I would have liked to have finished it, since I have the library's only copy, but I think I'll finish it this weekend, so that I can pass it on.

I didn't get any work on the sentence from last week that I was diagraming done. Next week, I hope. I was really on a role last Friday. One or two more days like that (one to finish the first diagram, one to proof, edit, and rewrite), and I'll have it done.

If you haven't yet, I would love it if you would fill out my reader survey. It won't take long, and it will really help me make better decisions about posting here.

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