
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Character Quizes

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine posted this quiz on Facebook. It tells you which Game of Thrones character you are. I'm Tyrion Lannister. I thought it would be fun to do a bunch more, and share the results here. You can play along with me. Post your results in the comments!

Let's start with Harry Potter. I'm quite sure I know who I'll be. If you know me, you can probably guess too. And, no surprise here, I'm Hermione Granger.

Next up in Once Upon A Time. Not so sure about this one. Snow White. Hmmm...

Okay, Star Wars. Apparently I'm C-3PO. That's not too bad; I like him.

Time for the Hunger Games. I'm Katniss Everdeen apparently. I did this one a couple weeks ago and got Haymitch.

I ran out of good ones on that website, so we're switching to another one for Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm Jack Sparrow.

Now we're getting into the really good ones. On Lost, I would apparently be Charlie Pace. Not quite sure how I got that one... If you're nervous about spoilers (like me), this quiz, and all of these actually, are spoiler free as far as I can tell.

Okay, here's the Gilmore Girls one. I've got a guess here. Sookie St. James. Not what I'd guessed (Rory), but I'm definitely happy with it. I love Sookie. :)

Last we have Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm pretty sure I know who I'm going to get. Yup, Willow Rosenberg. No surprises there.

Okay, not quite the last one. This Buffyverse quiz is incredibly long and complicated. I'm curious if I still will get Willow. Of course, this has all the Angel characters too, so there are more possibilities. The results: Rupert Giles. :)

If you do these quizes, let me know who you ended up as in the comments!

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