
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finals are done!

Note, I wrote this all up on Sunday, then totally forgot to publish it. *smh*

Now that finals are over and a few days have passed, I have managed to gather the energy to do a life update here of what I've been up to the last few weeks. Last week was finals, and I had three finals, four take home tests, and two papers that all were due at various points in the week. It was exhausting.

This post is going to be in the style of a photo spam, with stories and such mixed it. If you're friends with me on Facebook and Snapchat, you've probably already seen a lot of these, but not all of them. They are in reverse chronological order because that's how blogger likes doing things, and I don't feel like changing it all manually right now.

 Yesterday, our Irish dance group performed at a local nursing home, which was really great. It went well, we all looked good, and nobody really messed up much (except me at one point) which is rare.
 Terrible quality picture from the rehearsal before the performance.
 Crazy rainbow at school on Thursday. To the right of this picture, it was actually a double rainbow, but I didn't get a picture of that part.
 Lots of late busses and fun stuff like that. Hopefully I'll be able to drive to school next quarter and not take the bus anymore. That would be awesome.
 On Wednesday was the german club Winterfest, at which we sang lots of songs in German, had a Christmas tree with actual fire on it (that was a little scary) and lots of cookies and things like that.
 My friend Damian made a cake that says "Frankreich ist supergeil" (which roughly means France is super sexy) on the top, with the French flag, but when you cut into it, has layers in the colors of the German flag. It was a big hit.
 At the homeschool Christmas party last week, I had my name drawn in Elvish on my hand by one very talented friend.
 Another wonderful friend did this artwork on my arm.
The Wednesday before finals, I took a shift tutoring in the library from 6-10, which meant I was at school for 14 hours that day. I don't usually say no to working extra hours when they are offered, though.

On the whole, the last few weeks have been incredibly exhausting, but school is now over until January 6th. I'm not totally sure what the break will bring, but hopefully good things, like sleep and Steven Universe. And maybe some friends and parties too.

Other things that have happened that I don't have pictures from include seeing the Nutcracker last night, which was absolutely fabulous, literally falling asleep on a couch at school after my last final on Friday because I had slept so little the night before, and

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