
Friday, March 8, 2013

Homeschool Fridays: Our Homeschool Story

Some of you may also remember this one from my old blog, Living Homeschooled. It was first published there in October 2012.

Our journey through homeschooling began eight years ago. It was the summer after 1st grade, and my dad was trying to convince my mom that I should be homeschooled the next fall. My mom was, to say the least, skeptical. She didn't have time to homeschool. She worked full time, and she knew that my dad would have no real part in it. But, eventually, he convinced her to try just one year.

So, my mom started by doing some research. She found Susan Wise Bower, and decided to use her Classical Method. That first year of homeschooling was a very strange one. Isabelle, who was four years old at the time, was in preschool. I did my work (what little I had) and read the rest of the day. At night, I did History or Science with Mom. Those first few years, I did math with my dad.

By the next year, we had really started homeschooling properly. That first year was a bit of a disaster, but things got better. By third grade, we had begun homeschooling in the way we still do it now.  I won't go into depth about any one subject, as they will all be covered sometime over the next few months.

Our homeschool group was very important to our homeschooling success. We made many wonderful friends those first few years, and without them, I would be surprised if we would still be homeschooling today. They have helped us a lot over the years.

Today, homeschooling looks a lot different for us then it did that first year. Partly, that is from experience, and partly because we are older now. We are now homeschooling veterans. We have tried a lot of programs, and found the right ones for us. We have met people who are now life long friends.

I was not sure about homeschooling in the beginning, and there have been many times in the past eight years that I have had my doubts. But, really, I am so glad I am homeschooled. I think I am a much better person because of it.

Any questions about homeschooling, or anything else? Let me know in the comments, and I will do my best to answer your question

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