
Monday, October 26, 2015

WWU Fall Welcome

Last weekend, my mom and I went to Western for their "Fall Welcome," which is an event for prospective students to learn about different aspects of the University.

We got there at about 10:45, and went to a very short welcome session, where they basically just told us what the schedule was and then sent us on our way. After that, we went to an info session about their travel abroad programs, which was interesting, but didn't really have much new information in it.

A bunch of the dorms had open room that you could go visit, so we went to see a few. I have seen a lot of dorm rooms in the last year, and honestly, they are all kind of the same. The one thing that was surprising at Western was the difference between some of the buildings. Some seemed much nicer than others.

We wandered around the library a bit. I love college libraries, and this was no exception. There were some awesome rooms and stuff there. Unfortunately, I forgot to get any pictures of anything we did while we were there. We also talked briefly with an admissions counselor about transcripts (how to make them) and classes I've taken at WCC (if they'll transfer). Of course, as soon as we got home, I remembered a few other questions I should have asked. Whenever they ask "Are there any other questions I can answer for you," my mind goes totally blank and I can't think of anything.

There was a second information session we went to about Financial Aid. I've done enough of this college fair stuff now that I feel like I know quite a bit about how this stuff works, but there was some stuff in that talk that I hadn't thought about before. When that was over, we headed home.

In general, I was a little disappointed with the event. The main thing I wanted to do there was talk to someone from the English department, but they didn't have anyone available to talk to.

Despite how underwhelming the event itself was, WWU still is my favorite choice right now. That doesn't mean I'll definitely go there, but it has a lot of stuff going for it. Maybe I'll write another post more in depth about that later...

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