
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Making Friends and Class Update

Another day, another ramble.

Today, I had a math test. I wasn't very worried about it, because I'd been doing well on all the homework (and I'd actually remembered to do the homework, which is good!). I finished it really quickly, which is somewhat typical for me, as I tend to be a fast test taker, but it was faster than I expected for a math test. I'm not totally sure how well I did, but I actually feel pretty hopeful that I did quite well.

I've been doing pretty well in German, and those classes tend to be fun, just because there are some cool people. I haven't done as well as I would like on the tests, but I don't think that'll be a problem in the long run.

In Intro to Religion, we finally finished this movie called "The Mission, from the 80's, which was actually quite good. I'm a little confused in general about the class itself, but I know I have a good grade in it.

One thing I've been thinking about recently is how I don't really make friends very easily. I think it's mostly because I get shy and nervous and don't really like talking to people I don't know well. Most of the people I've become friends with in the last year or two are pretty outgoing people who have been willing to push me a little, and force me out of my comfort zone. Eventually, they are no longer strangers, and at that point, it's all good.

I think that sometimes, I probably tend to have body language that drives people away to some extent. A lot of the friends I've had forever tend to be quiet, mild people, but the new friends I have tend to be much more outgoing. No particular thoughts here, just rambling observations.

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