
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Homeschool Fridays: October 7-11 2013 {Week 6}

I'm sorry this post is late two weeks in a row. Today, I really do not have a good excuse.

This week for history, I did more of those mini bios that I did a bunch of last week (and will be doing more of next week). I did a worksheet on the spread of Islam in the early middle ages, and I wrote a couple of paragraphs on the differences between Sunni and Shiite muslims, both in the middle ages, and today. I was also supposed to read another chapter out of my textbook on Byzantium, but I did not get to that. Luckily, it was the only thing I was supposed to do this week that I didn't get it in all my subjects. :)

In Earth Science this week, I finished up the chapter on rocks, and then moved into the chapter on energy sources. The last section of the week had to do with unrenewable energy sources (oil, natural gas, coal, ect.).

Math and English
In math, I finished up the chapter on roots, and started the one on quadratic equations. I have done all of this before when I did Life of Fred Advanced Algebra, but since I started back at the beginning when we switched to Teaching Textbooks, I have been doing a lot of review. In English, I continued through the section on verbs, nothing really new or interesting there.

Spanish and Rhetoric
In Spanish, I finally started moving out of number, and began learning the months and days of the week. I am finally nearing the end of this introductory, conversational chapter, and will be moving into some actual grammar and vocab soon. In Rhetoric, I just continued through the section I was in.

Other Stuff
I got a start on blogging for November this week. I want to make sure there are posts going up, but I'll be too busy with NaNoWriMo to do a lot of blogging, so other then two update posts a week, the rest will have been written ahead of time. I also wanted to do some editing this week, and while I did get some done, it was not as much as I would have liked.

All right, that's it for this week. I have cleaning to do, and a Halloween costume to try to finish. Does anyone know where you could find some rather authentic looking hobbit pants? And what to do about the feet...

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