
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Twenty Five Things About Me!

I thought it would be fun to share some facts about me with the world. Hopefully it will help you enjoy this blog a little more, understanding the perspective from which it comes.

1. I've only ever been in the United States (because that's where I live), and Canada (because it's less then an hour away).

2. Despite having lived this close to Canada my whole life, the first time I went, I was 12.

3. I went to Waldorf Preschool for two years, and was origionally going to go to the local Waldorf school for Kindergarten, but my parents decided it was too expencive.

4. Instead, they enrolled me in the local public school next door to the Waldorf school, and I went there for Kindergarten, and 1st grade.

5. I dislike writing fiction. While I love writing, I never really feel like I have stories to tell, like many people say they do. There are no stories in my head waiting to be written. I love the written word, and I especially love blogging. It is the perfect mixture of the narrative style you can use with fiction, but without the plot and characters, and the factual content of nonfiction, but without all the research.

6. Google owns me. Seriously, I use so many google products, its a little sad. Gmail, Blogger, Google Docs (or Drive, whichever it is now), Google+ (sort of, sometimes), Google News, Google Analytics, YouTube, and once upon a time, Google Reader, though I had to switch away from that this summer. Oh, and of course, the good old fashioned search engine.Yeah, it is more then a little sad.

7. I played a lot of computer games in middle school. I worshiped I mainly played interactive art style indie adventure games, and point and clicks with a good plot. Some favortite develoers of mine were always Mateusz Skutik, Bart Bonte, Last Day of Work, and Flipline Studios. The last two are really more sims, which I also have a weakness for. I don't play a whole lot now, since I have a lot less time then I did a few years ago, but I still do occasionally.

8.  When I was 12 years old and went to the doctor, I was 5' 3 3/4", and in about the 75% percentile for height. Last month, and age 15, I went to the doctor again. This time I'm 5' 4" and in the 53% percentile. I am also a half pound heavier then I was at 12. I grew early, and then not at all. :)

9. I published a newsletter for my friends and family for four years (ages 7 to 11), and charged $10 a year. When I was finished, I had made about $400, before I paid my parents for things like stamps, paper, ink, and envelopes.

10. I have a copy of every edition of the Classical Academy News (my little newsletter). :)

11. I have done Irish Dance for a year now, and love it. I would really like to try other dances, particularly tap, if it becomes a possibility.

12. Only one person has ever read any of the fiction I have written. We both did NaNoWriMo in 2011 (the first year for both of us), and decided to do a December 1st swap. As hard as that was for me to let go of, I'm glad I let him read it, and reading his novel helped me gain a little perspective. That said, nobody else has ever read any of my work, and they are not likely to.

13. I can't wait until I can start taking classes at the community college next year.

14. I've never had an official boyfriend, though there was one boy who came close. We were good friends for a long time, and did a lot of talking and hanging out for a few years. Unfortunately, that whole thing ended rather badly, and we've exchanged a minimal amount of words over the past year and half since then.

15. On the Meyers-Brigs scale, I'm an extrovert, which means I get my energy from social interactions.

16. I have had three library cards over the past ten years, and I still have the fourteen digit number on the back of the first one memorized, even though I've had two others in the four years since that original one cracked. Literally, it had a crack through the barcode.

17. In the nine years we have been homeschooling, I have used four (or maybe five, depending on how you think about it) math programs. It's kind of a lot.

18. Unlike the stereotypical homeschooler, we are a secular homeschooling family. What does this mean? Religion doesn't really have a place in most of our school subjects.

19. Summer is my favorite season, and July is my favorite month.

20. Winter is my least favorite season, because I don't like all the rain we get then. It's also rarely sunny, and usually cold. We don't always get snow, but I don't like it when we do. I am NOT a snow person. Depending on a lot of factors, my least favorite month is either December or January.

21. My bedroom is my sanctuary. Very few people other then me ever enter it, and it is as clean or messy as I like, depending on my mood. It is the place I can always go to try to get away from life, though that doesn't always work too well.

22. I am a total perfectionist. If you've read this post, you probably already know that. It can make life hard sometimes, and its the main reason I dislike a lot of art, particularly drawing and painting.

23. I do enjoy more of the 3D art forms, like clay, print making, and stained glass.

24. For much of my childhood, reading was my way of escaping reality. When I was unhappy with my life, or worried and anxious, I would read a book to get away from it all. The world would all still be there when I came back, but for the several hours it took me to finish the book, my problems didn't matter.

25.  I tend to be a person who sticks to reality, and constantly shoots down thought and ideas that are too frivilous or crazy. Despite that, I have for years allowed myself one crazy dream: to be a librarian. Will that be where my life goes? I don't yet know. Maybe time will go one, and I'll realize that I really wouldn't like to be a librarian, but for now, it's my one sort of crazy, ridiculously long term goal from when I was a little kid: I would love to be a librarian someday.

Well, there you go. Thinking of 25 thing was actually pretty hard, and this list did take a while to compile. A lot of these things are things you probably already know about me if you read this blog regularly, and especially if you know me IRL, but either way, maybe you gained a little insight into my life.

This post is one that I wrote back in October. Right now, I'm hopefully working on my novel. There will be more prewritten posts every Monday and Wednesday this month, along with a school update every Friday, and a NaNo update every Saturday.

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