
Saturday, September 26, 2015

One Week In

Well, we're one week into school, and I'm a lot happier about it than I thought I'd be.

I wasn't really looking forward to this year. I'm taking Math and German, two classes I wasn't excited about. I knew college applications would have to take up a lot of my time. I knew from experience that 8:30 classes aren't a lot of fun.

But then school started this week and a couple of things happened. I realized that if I took showers at night, I could get up a full twenty to thirty minutes later in the morning. That may not sound like a lot, but 6:00 and 6:30 are a world apart.

I went to my first  few Math classes (I'm in Math 99, which is the second quarter of Algebra II), and discovered that not only do I really like my teacher, I also know a lot of the material already. I have also discovered the joy of 50 minute classes. Last year, I had all 90 minute or 2 hour classes, and those one hour classes are awesome. They feel so short!

I discovered that my Philosphy class has very little homework, and much of the grade is based on a few papers. Not just that, but the papers aren't  graded on whether you mentioned certain facts, or got certain things correct, but instead on the process, writing quality, and thoughtfullness. It is Philisophy, after all. I am feeling like this will be an easy A for me. Not just an easy A, but a fun one too.

I'm still nervous about German, but the teacher's pretty cool, and there are a couple of guys sitting by me who are really nice as well.

I spent a lot of time hanging out with friends, both those who I know from outside WCC who are going there this year, and those who I know from school last year. I like that I can be on campus most of the day and see ten or twelve people I know. With some, I might just wave and continue on, with others, I'll stop and chat for a few minutes, and some I spent hours hanging out with between classes.

I'm still nervous about this year, but school isn't as big of a worry anymore. I think school will end up being a stable factor, a place where I'm comfortable. Homework causes stress, but it's totally manageable.

For the first time, I'm really looking forward to this school year.

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