You may have noticed that there are suddenly a ton more posts in the backlog now. The reason is that I combined this blog with my blog Reading Writing and Graduation Highschool. I imported all posts and comments from that blog to this one. The reason is that I am finding it hard to keep up with both blogs at the moment. The serve somewhat different purposes, but I don't see why that all can't happen on one blog.
In addition, the title of my old blog, while it was appropriate when I started it, is soon going to be outdated.
The idea is that this blog will have all the posts that would have gone on both blogs previously. There won't be less of what there was, just more other stuff. I'm hoping this will make things easier for me, and that it will make things easier for people reading my blogs as well.
I also really, really, really hope that those of you subscribed by email didn't just get over 150 new post notifications. If you did, I'm really, really sorry. :(
Back to regularly scheduled programming!
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