
Monday, August 17, 2015

Bend Camping Trip 2015: Aug 12-16 2015

This week was the second year a big group of homeschool families all went to Bend, OR together to camp at Tumalo State Park. Instead of outlining each day, I'm going to do a rough outline of the whole trip here, and then to another post with some stories from the week.

First of all, we left Bellingham around 9:30am on Wednesday. We dropped by the Bagelry to get bagels on our way out, and then headed south. We stopped just south of Olympia to each lunch at a rest stop, and then powered through with just one more short bathroom break. We were delayed by having to take a detour off of Highway 26 because of a brush fire. We made it to the camp ground at around 6pm. That night, we made hot dogs as people slowly drifted in, and all went to bed relatively early.

Thursday: The younger kids all were up early and we all were up and eating breakfast by 9ish, and were heading out on our first rafting expedition by around 11. We took one short ride down the river (maybe 20ish minutes), then most of us headed back to the campsite to eat lunch. After lunch, we went back and did another, somewhat longer run. We hiked up about a mile, and then rode back down to the camp. HK and I took another long run, while most of the other kids played games. We had soup for dinner, made by my mom and Julie, and then most of us played The Resistance (an awesome game you should all check out) for a few hours and went to bed around 11:30.

Friday: It was a lot colder, and no one did any rafting. We mostly hung around the campsite for the morning, and played more of The Resistence, and then headed into town. We drove to Pilot Butte, which was a great view of the city and surrounding area, and then got ice cream. After that, we drove to a neighborhood park where most of the kids and dads played wiffle ball. We headed back to the campsite, and had currey for dinner, made by Connie. Most people headed to bed a bit sooner that night, but Isabelle, Spencer, Ted, and I ended up staying up til about 12:30 discussing the "happy chair" problem (maybe I'll explain that later), why people use drugs like LSD, the strangeness of Gonzo journalism, and much more.

Saturday: Julie took a bunch of the kids to Starbucks before I got up, and when I went to the fire, there was a much smaller than usual group awake. We ate breakfast, and got ready for our big rafting trip. The idea was to start at the spot we usually stopped and then ride all the way down to Tumalo, about 2 miles down stream. No one had gone that far before, so we didn't really know what to expect. It ended up being pretty mild, and a lot of fun. We got out in the tiny, tiny town of Tumalo, and some of the other adults came and picked us up. What had taken us close to two hours to raft took us less than ten minutes to drive. We ate chili for dinner, and played mafia. People drifted off to bed at all different times, and Mom, Isabelle, Ted, Spencer, and I were again the last to bed.

Sunday; We ate breakfast and started packing up to leave. We all left around 11:30. On the way south, we took I5 to Gresham, and then veered east, but going north, we went to Yakima, and then headed over Snoqualmie pass to Issaquah. That route was supposed to be faster, but ended up being much slower because of a slowdown on the pass that added over an hour to our trip. We ate dinner at the Chipotle in Issaquah, and made it home by 10pm.

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