
Monday, April 1, 2013

Burning Blue - Paul Griffin

Today, I am reviewing the book Burning Blue. It is a teen mystery about a beautiful girl who gets acid sprayed on her face, and the search by a friend to find out who did it. If you want to know more about the book, click on the title to go to the Amazon page.

First up is the characters. For the most part they were quite good, though some of them needed more to seem real. The main character was great, and very human, but the farther out you got, the less fleshed out they obviously were. I personally thought that the characters were certainly good enough for the story.

Next up is writing. This book is, on my scale, a little better then the middle. If you are confused about this, check out the the "Writing in Books" tab at the top of the page. What this means is that I thought the writing was pretty good, but nothing spectacular. It was good enough to stand out a bit on its own, but not good enough for me to really be impressed by.

Last of all is plot. For the most part, I loved it. It was smooth, and the pacing was good. The surprise ending was fun, and the plot kept my attention all the way to the end. All in all, pretty good. My one complaint is on that may not bother many other people. The ending is not something that you could have predicted at any other point in the story. There were not enough clues for the reader to pick up on. Several parts of the ending were a little to far fetched for me. Personally, I think that the ending of a good mystery must be something that I, the reader, could have discovered on my own. That does not mean that any reader ever will find it out before they get to that point in the book, but on a reread, I want to be able to go 'Of course! How could I have missed that? It was here all along!' I want to get to the end and think 'That explains everything! How did I not get that before?' With this book, that can never happen. The ending is not something that I could have guessed. Again, the fact that I am bothered my this might just make me a snob, and it might not bother many people.

There you go. That's my review. I am sorry that it is shorter than most. That is because of Camp NaNoWriMo, which is sucking away my time all of this month. Expect less posts then normal, and the ones there are to be shorter then normal. I promise that everything will be back to normal next month!

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