
Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015 {MINIGOLF}

1.Got up and ready, made food to take with me to school.

2. Left at 7:10, caught the bus, and made it to WCC around 7:40. I was then going to eat some of the food I brought, but then I realized that it was still sitting on the counter.

3. Geology. Topic of the day - metamorphic rocks.

4. C and I hung out for another hour and a half. L joined us for a while and they tried to make me feel better about having no food by giving me their food, which I refused. By this point, I was really hungry and slightly light headed, having not eaten anything at all yet, and at 10:30ish I realized I had $6 (most of it in quarters), which was enough to buy a chicken teriyaki bowl at the school cafeteria. It served as my breakfast/lunch. During this time, C and I spent most of the hour playing on this minigolf app that he has gotten me addicted to, and talking about random stuff.

5. English. We spent the whole time discussing the Cynthia Selfe essay, and it evolved at some point into a discussion of Gamergate (google it if you don't know what I'm talking about). Very interesting overall.

6. Barely caught the bus downtown in time. Also had some adventures with my phone being dead, and needing to call my mom. C's phone was barely not dead, so I was able to use that. It was very exciting.

7. Walked 8ish blocks from the bus station to my appointment downtown.

8. After my appointment, I walked to the Co-op (the downtown branch), and had just enough money to buy hot chocolate. I paid for it entirely in quarters. I managed to get done almost all of my English homework while I was there.

9. Mom picked me up and we went home and had dinner.

10. Then we had self defense class. We talked about bullying, and worked on things to do when you are trapped on the ground while being attacked.

11. Got home, messed around on the internet for a little while, wrote this log, read Jane Eyre, went to bed.

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