
Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015 {Predictable}

1. I got up a little late this morning, but managed to be ready to leave on time for school. I took the bus, and got to school around 7:45.

2. The Geology teacher was a few minutes late, and there was a gathering of the students outside the classroom waiting for it to be unlocked, and debating what to do if he didn't show up. He did, though, and class went on as normal. I turned in the homework assignment that was due, though I'm a little nervous about how well I did the last half of it.

3. After class, C and I went back to the place we always hang out for the next hour and a half. Seriously, we are way too predictable. If you want to find either of us on a MWF morning, go to that one bench. We talked about random stuff for the break, with some expeditions by C in search of fries, which he eventually found and purchased, and which I ate most of.

4. English. We spent most of the class writing an essay, a rough draft of which is due on Wednesday.

5. After that class, I met up with C for a few more minutes during which he listed the terrifying number of things he has to do in the next 13 months. The more I listened to him, the more I realized my future is depressingly similar, though perhaps not quite as bad. Then I ate lunch and worked a little on my essay.

6. I went to volunteer at the library, cleaning books. I debated going to the teen club thingy at the library, but chickened out, and went to Chocolate Necessities w/ Julie and her boys. Flavors of the week: chocolate, pink grapefruit, and watermelon. N and I hung out for an hour while I worked on my essay and talked about homeschooling and my birthday, and other stuff.

7. Irish dance class. Fun class, lots of review.

8. Came home, ate dinner (asparagus pesto pasta), watched the Season 5 finale of Doctor Who, wrote this log, read Jane Eyre, went to bed.

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