
Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015 {77 Degrees in April}

1. Got up at 6ish, showered, got dressed and ready. Somehow managed to still not have time to eat breakfast before leaving at 7. Took the bus to school, and ate a bagel while walking to class.

2. Went to Geology. The topic of the day was igneous rocks.

3. Hung out with a friend for an hour and a half. Was rather unproductive, and mostly watched him play a minigolf game on his phone and had conversations about totally random seeming stuff.

4. Went to English. We were talking about the 'Triad' - race, class, and gender/sexuality, and how we fit into it. Where we fit into that triad, and more importantly, where we are unsure how we fit, significantly shape our way of looking at the world.

5. Ate lunch out on the lawn in between the main campus buildings with my best friend and some friends of hers. I often hang out with her friends, and while I don't know many of them very well, I do know who many of them are, and have gained the ability to drop in and out of their social groups at will. Also, it was an incredible 77 degrees when I left campus at 2pm. 77! In April!

6. Took the bus downtown to the library and volunteered there. I learned today that I have a total of 163 voluteer hours logged there over the past 4 years!

7. Went to Chocolate Necessities and got gelato. I got salted caramel, strawberry, and pink grapefruit. I hung out with the younger of the two boys in the the family I was with for an hour while the older one was in dance class, and then the younger one and I headed to our class.

8. After dance, we went to Quizno's for dinner, and then came home and watched Doctor Who.

9. Attempted to make sense of my Geology homework, wrote this, read Jane Eyre, and went to bed.

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